During this unprecedented time, many employers are being forced to do things from laying off tenured employees to shutting down permanently. However, there is a solution to retaining your employees while keeping your business afloat. West Coast Careers suggests applying to the SharedWork program to help solve the burden of making hard choices. What is…(Read More)
The Corona Virus (COVID-19) has caused a tremendous amount of fear and uncertainty. Managers and teams need ways to deal with the impact of this challenge. West Coast Careers includes links to several micro-learning videos focused on calming anxiety and providing strategies for keeping a cohesive team of remote workers. Calming Fears 5…(Read More)
As an employer, it’s always important to know that the demands of applicants are always changing. Consequentially, if you’re not paying attention to those changes, then you’re going to lag behind your competitors. This could cause you to lose the talent you need. The hiring process can also be challenging and inefficient…(Read More)